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All CollectionsTrading Errors
Exchange-specific errors & restrictions
Exchange-specific errors & restrictions

Many exchanges have their own specific restrictions. Check the list below to resolve your issue quickly.

Updated over 2 months ago


This symbol is in Reduce Only mode due to regulation requirements. Please upgrade to Binance Credits Trading Mode.

This error appears for users in the EEA zone. If you have doubts about whether you are under the restriction or not, please log into your Binance account and check there. In order to continue trading, please upgrade your account to BNFCR (Binance Futures Credits Trading Mode) mode and make sure to accept the agreement. More info about this mode is in this article:

Error placing base order: Cannot change to ISOLATED mode due to credit status

This error might appear for users in the EEA zone. If you have doubts about whether you are under the restriction or not, please log into your Binance account and check there. In order to continue trading, please upgrade your account to BNFCR (Binance Futures Credits Trading Mode) mode and make sure to accept the agreement. More info about this mode is in this article:

Error placing safety trade: {"code"=>-4140, "msg"=>"Invalid symbol status for opening position."}

This error explains that the pair is most likely delisted. You need to go to the exchange itself and try to find the desired pair.

Rate limit exceeded. Market::BinanceFutures::BinanceCustomErrors (429)

This is a temporary error, related to the Rate limit. 3Commas will try to place the order anyway until it's eventually placed. It is specific only to the manually added API keys on Binance. You need to update the API connection via Fast Connect. Manually updating the keys will not solve the issue. 3Commas team works on removing this limitation.

[2000039**]: As per our Terms of Use and compliance with local regulations, you are required to fill an assessment before accessing this product. You will be directed to the page.

This is the message from Binance exchange, and it's necessary to contact Binance's support to find out the exact reason for this limitation. As an option to solve this problem - try to edit your API keys and disable Futures trading permission, and refresh the exchange on My Portfolio page.

Error. Your country was blacklisted by Binance. You need to contact [email protected]

Futures trading is not allowed for your IP (or in your region).

As per our Terms of Use and in compliance with local regulations, we are not able to provide our services to you. Please proceed to withdraw your existing assets from Binance.

Binance has restricted trading for any users that haven't passed Identity Verification checks.

Additionally, users in certain countries have now been blocked from trading Derivative products, such as Options and Futures contracts.

Please log in to and check your account status and contact Binance Support [email protected] if you need further assistance or have any questions.

Rate limit exceeded (429)

Binance Futures introduced a restriction some time ago (when Binance Futures crashed) to limit only 10 orders to be sent to the exchange in 1 second. All your deals should send not more than 10 orders to the exchange in 1 second. When you see this error, the 3Commas software will continue to retry the operation until Binance accepts it.

Error placing base order/safety trade: Exceeded the maximum/minimum allowable position at current leverage.

Please check this guide for the limits on Minimum and Maximum order size on Binance Futures. They also heavily limit the total size of a position you can create:

Please check the page above and edit your bot settings to ensure deals created by your bot (including Safety Orders) will be within the maximum and minimum position sizes for the contract being traded at your chosen leverage.

Base order size is too big

Please check the trading rules for your exchange here: Spot Accounts

Market is closed/offline

3Commas supports only Binance Cross Margin, but not Isolated.

If you received such an error it means that this pair is present in Isolated only.

Errors like:

[200003909]: "com.binance.compliance.error.ComplianceErrorCode.SG_BLACK_IP_ERROR"

The error comes from the exchange and may be related to recent Binance's restrictions for several countries about trading on Futures market. Please manually edit the API keys on exchange (disable Futures trading permission) and update the API connection on 3Commas.

Errors like this:

[200003975]: Please complete address verification first to use the service."

The error comes from the exchange and speaks for itself. You need to perform the actions from the error and/or contact Binance support to learn more about it.


Error placing Take Profit trade: EBM:limit exceeded:CAL

This error indicates that you reached the Canadian acquisition limits. More details are here: Canadian Dollar (CAD) net purchase limits for certain cryptocurrencies in Canada.

You can trade pairs with fiat as a Quote currency, like USD or CAD. This will increase the trading volume limit.

Unable to load available balance EAPI: Invalid nonce

To establish a correct connection when using a Kraken API, please check and update the “Nonce window” field within the Kraken exchange's web-site on the API page. Edit the API key you created for use with 3Commas and check that the "Nonce window" value to 2,000,000 (two million).

Rate Limit Exceeded KrakenClient::errorsMiddleware (200)

This is a temporary error, related to the Rate limit. 3Commas will try to place the order anyway until it’s eventually placed. Unfortunately, Kraken has imposed connection limits on API access (which 3Commas relies on to trade). 3Commas team works on removing this limitation.


Rate Limit Errors

If you experience rate limit errors on OKX, they are typically caused by exchange trading rules that limit how many orders can be created in a short period of time. Here's how you can address this issue:

  • Sub-Accounts: Create sub-accounts for different bot types, e.g., one for DCA bots and another for Grid bots. This helps spread out the orders across accounts, mitigating the rate limit issue.

"Error placing base order: Reached the balance limit, no further buying is allowed."

You will see the error when you exceed the number of contracts on chosen leverage.

More detailed information is here:

"sMsg"=>"You’re leading trades in buy/sell mode. When you place orders, they must be in the same direction as your existing positions and open orders"

This error comes directly from the exchange.

Please turn off Copy Trading on OKX. 3Commas does not support it. You can create a subaccount to separate your strategies.

For security and compliance purposes require traders to complete their identity verification process to use their services.

This error means that you need to pass KYC on your OKX account to be able to connect the exchange to 3Commas and start trading. After the KYC is passed and verified, please try to connect your OKX exchange to 3Commas again.

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