Coinbase Advanced: how to create API keys

Learn how to create Coinbase Advanced API keys and connect the account to 3Commas

Updated this week

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Important updates!

  • Now, Coinbase Advanced users have an opportunity to trade with USDC trading pairs! This is an important update for US residents and beyond, as the USDC pair on Coinbase Advanced is now supported in many countries.

  • All API keys created before March 2024 will permanently remain active and valid until you manually delete them. You don't need to update your current connection.

2. Go to the API management page.

Click on the link below:

3. Click on Create API key

4. Create a name for API keys

The name must only start with a letter.

5. Click on API restrictions

6. Enter the IP Whitelist addresses

To find updated IP addresses, go to the connecting Coinbase Advanced exchange page and take the IP addresses from there:

Paste them into the IP Whitelist field divided by commas:

7. Enable permissions

Choose Portfolio if needed.

Enable Trade (execute trades on your behalf) permission and click the Create & download button.

8. Complete 2-factor authentication

9. Save your API Keys

Make sure to save a JSON file to your computer.

Copy the API keys:

10. Connect the Coinbase Advanced account to 3Commas

That's it! Congratulations!

Now, use these API keys to connect your Coinbase Advanced account to 3Commas!
This article will help you with this:
Connect an exchange using an API key

If you have any kind of problem creating API keys on Coinbase, you can use the help of the Coinbase support team to gain the most detailed information about your problem.

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