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Gemini: how to create API keys

Create API keys and connect Gemini account to 3Commas.

Updated over a week ago

1. Go to Gemini

Log in or create a new account on Gemini.

Note! You must complete the Gemini verification process in order to use API keys:

Click on the Account tab on the top right corner of the page and click on Settings:

3. Open the API settings page

Click the API on the left sidebar menu:

4. Click on Create API key

After clicking on it, you may be prompted to complete 2FA.

Enter the 2FA code after it's enabled:

5. Choose the Scope

On the Create API Key dropdown menu, select Primary if you are trading on an individual account. Select Master if you are going to use this API Key for multiple accounts.

6. Name the API keys

When you have multiple APIs, a proper name helps to manage it:

7. Save API key and API Secret

Copy and save your API key and API Secret somewhere safe. You will need them to connect to 3Commas:

8. Set the Permissions

Enable Trading Permission and put a check-mark in API secret acknowledgement, then click Create API key:

9. Add Gemini to 3Commas

Congratulations! Your API keys are created and the exchange is ready to be connected to 3Commas!

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