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Signal bot
Signal bot: possible errors, their meaning and how to resolve them
Signal bot: possible errors, their meaning and how to resolve them
Updated over a week ago

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "name" bot. The Signal Bot was stopped or not activated.

Signal bot is stopped or not activated, or there is a blocking error (like Invalid API keys). Please check if your bot is enabled. If it is, please check your exchange's connection and API keys.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "name" bot as something was going wrong. Please contact our support team.

There might be a system error in the signal processing. Please contact our support team via widget or email.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". The settings of bot "name" don't contain this exchange.

The name of the exchange in JSON-file is different from the exchange chosen in the Signal bot. Please adjust the Signal bot settings or choose the correct exchange on TradingView.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". The settings of bot "name" don't contain this pair.

The trading pair in the JSON-file is missing or different from the pair chosen in the Signal bot. Please adjust the trading pairs list in the Signal bot or check the trading pair on the TradingView.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". The settings of bot "name" don't contain this action.

The action in the received signal is inconsistent with the action settings in the Signal bot. Please review your Signal bot's settings and adjust them according to your needs.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". The price has not moved by the percentage specified in the "Price deviation from the same order in past" filter in the bot settings.

The Buy price has not moved enough from the previous Buy order by a percentage set in the Signal bot. The bot is waiting for the price deviation that is enough to open another trade.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". The price has not moved by the percentage specified in the "Price deviation from average entry price" filter in the bot settings.

The Buy price has not moved enough from the average Buy price by a percentage set in the Signal bot. The bot is waiting for the price deviation that is enough to open another trade.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". After order execution, the summary margin will exceed the initial margin specified in the bot settings.

The system has calculated that after the signal execution, total margin will exceed the Initial margin that is set in the Signal bot. Please adjust the settings or just wait till one or more of the active trades are closed.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". At the moment you do not have an open position on the exchange for this pair.

The Exit signal is received but the Signal bot does not have any active trades, thus the Entry signal was not executed and there is no position opened.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". An error occurred while creating SmartTrade. Сheck the Smart Trade created by this bot.

Invalid parameters. The received signal did not pass the validation process and failed. Please review your Signal bot's settings and make the needed adjustments. Also, you may review the Smart Trades created by the Signal bot (if any) and check what was changed.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". An error occurred when closing Smart Trade at the market price. Сheck the Smart Trade created by this bot.

Sometimes there are statuses of the Smart Trade when it can't be closed by the market price. For example, when the trade is trying to close by Stop Loss or is in the closing process. In such cases, this error may appear. Please check the Smart Trade and wait till it is closed.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". An error occurred while requesting the exchange. Please contact our support team.

The error came from the exchange. Please contact our support team via widget or email.

Buy/Sell signal failed to process for "pair name". Order size calculation results in zero. Please check the initial margin and order size in the bot settings.

After the signal is received, the system evaluates the order size. If the rounding ends up at the order size equal to 0, then this error appears. Please adjust the Signal bot's settings by changing the initial margin parameter or changing the order size in the strategy (if you use Signal bot with Strategy).

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