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How to recreate Failed or Canceled trades using SmartTrade tools?
How to recreate Failed or Canceled trades using SmartTrade tools?

Learn how to recreate Canceled and Failed trades and how to reconnect the lost positions from the Futures accounts.

Updated over a week ago

Smart Sell is a helpful instrument to recreate your Canceled or Failed SmartTrades or DCA Bots' trades!

If you have any "disappeared", Failed, or Canceled deals, it means you have purchased (or sold for Short trades) coins, but the trade is not tracking your PnL anymore. You can use Smart Sell instrument to recreate the lost trades (learn in this article how to create Smart Sell).

Now let's bring back the lost trades to life!

For SmartTrades, please head to the SmartTrade History page, find that deal, and hover the mouse over the Failed text to read the explanation of this behavior:

For DCA bot's, please head to the DCA bots' History page, find that deal, and click on the Error text to read the explanation of this behavior:

To recover such trades, you can recreate them in
Smart Sell (if it was a Long deal) or Smart Buy (if it was a Short deal).

For Failed/Cancelled SmartTrade.

The easiest way to recreate it is to click on the Share button and click on the link:

This will lead you to the Smart Sell (for Long trades) or to the Smart Buy (for Short trades), and there you will see the settings you had in your old SmartTrade.

Sometimes the initial Buy/Sell price is not placed correctly, and you might want to place it correctly. In this case, you will need to look up the detailed information as explained below.

Open the trade's details by clicking on the Down arrow button and note your entry Price (Bought or Sold Price) to use it as a Were Bought For Price in your Smart Sell (or Were Sold For Price in your Smart Buy).

Also, you can use the Volume value to put it into the Units field:

For the Failed/Cancelled DCA bot's trades.

Our devs did their best to help you recreate your Failed/Cancelled bots' trades in one click.

This button is called SmartTrade convert!

It can be found right after you cancel the trade (or it fails):

Or it can be found later on the DCA bot's History page:

Also, sometimes you need extra detailed information, like Average price and/or Safety Orders prices and sizes.

Here is how to find the Average price.

On the DCA bots' History page, find the required trade and click on the Pair Name to find the trade's average entry point.

Here is how to find out details about Safety Orders.

If some of them are executed, they will be included in the deal size and the average price. But if some of them are not yet executed and you want to add them too using Add Funds feature, here is where to find them:

  1. Click on the failed/canceled Deal ID:

  2. Here you will find the prices and the sizes of the Safety Orders that were not executed:

By the way, speaking of Futures trades.

There is a fantastic opportunity to connect to 3Commas all lost positions without manually recreating them one by one!

You just need to click on this button:

This feature will import all the positions that you have on the selected Futures account that are not connected to the 3Commas!

It will not create duplicate trades but will create Smart Sell for Long positions and Smart Buy for Short positions!

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