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DCA bot: Control Panel Overview tab
DCA bot: Control Panel Overview tab

Learn more about the ability to analyze and control your accounts and positions from one place.

Updated over 4 months ago

Please welcome new Overview tab in your Control Panel!

It consolidates critical trading information and presents it in a user-friendly, summarized format. The Overview tab provides you with a comprehensive snapshot of your trading activities, including overall statistics, Futures contracts details, assets list, and account balances. This lets you quickly assess your trading performance, monitor open positions, and make informed decisions.

You can find it on the Control Panel page on the Overview tab:

Here, you can see three main sections:

Let's explore them more thoroughly.

1. Overall stats

Here, you can see the overall information about your 3Commas account situation regarding your assets, accounts, trades and positions. This section consists of the following information:

  • TOTAL BALANCE - this number includes all the assets on your 3Commas account - from all exchanges, wallets, and virtual portfolios.

  • BALANCE & UPNL - this represents your current balance, which is calculated as a total balance subtracted from unrealized PnL (uPnL).

  • UPNL - total unrealized profit and loss from all trades. More information is in this article.

  • OPEN POSITION VOLUME - displays the total volume of Futures positions only.

  • FREE BALANCE - this is the balance of the assets in $ value that is currently available for trading.

2. List of Futures contracts

Here is the list of all Futures positions open on all exchange accounts connected to 3Commas, even those that are opened on exchanges themselves, not via 3Commas.

If you click on the down arrow on the left, you will see the exchange accounts that have open positions with this contract, volume per each position, margin, entry and current prices, and current uPnL. Hover over the volume number and you will see how many contracts are in the position.

In this section you can sort the list by any parameter for your convenience.

As soon as the positions information is not updated in real-time, you can click on the Update my positions button and it will take several seconds to update the information.

3. Asset list

Here you can see all the assets you have on the accounts.

The "Exclude from Total balance" feature in exchanges is applicable here, so you will see assets only from the exchanges that are "included in the total balance".

4. List of exchanges

Here, you can see the list of connected exchanges, the current uPnL on them, locked funds in orders, 24 hours changes and total balance on the exchange. Also you can manage these accounts just like on the My Portfolio page! You can even update the connection here if there are issues with it.

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