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Signal bot use cases: Scalping
Updated over 10 months ago

Scalping - is a short-term trading strategy when a trader tries to make a profit on a small price change.

Let's say we trade with a Scalping strategy on a DOGE/USDT trading pair and use a Stochastic RSI indicator with 1-5 minute intervals to get a quick price movement overview. As a base indicator, you can take any other indicator you like or trust more.

In our example, we will assume that our bot Buys (Long strategy) every time the price drops to the "oversold" zone of the Stochastic RSI and then recovers - the %K line crosses the %D line from bottom to top after the candle is closed. This will be a signal to Buy. But when the %K line crosses the %D line from top to bottom in the "overbought" zone, it can be used as a signal to Sell and close our entire Long position.

We will also learn how to apply a DCA (Dollar Cost Average) method so the bot will buy more with the same order size every time the additional "Buy" signal arrives. But it will buy not just with a certain deviation but with an indicator filter, making it open the trades in better places and times. We'll do the same with the opposite closing signal, so the bot will close the position with the same logic - deviation+indicator signal.

1. Set set the Stochastic RSI indicator on the signal provider side and create a Signal bot - Indicators type

2. Copy the webhook URL and click I have set webhook URL

3. Choose an exchange, a pair and set other parameters

Trading with Signal bot is now available on all exchanges except Binance TR and USDT-M.

Also choose the leverage value, then in the field “Max. initial margin” enter the amount of funds, that the bot will not exceed including all orders opened by this bot. Let's say, we want a bot to place max 9 Safety orders with 10 USDT each so the bot doesn't use more than 100 USDT per 1 trade. If the leverage is 10x, the Max initial margin should be 10 USDT, because if we multiply by the leverage 10x we will have 100 USDT, and if this amount is spread between 10 orders, we will have 10 USDT per order. And finally, give your bot a proper name and click Next.

4. Choose Entry long

5. Adjust the settings

In the Volume per order field enter 10 USDT (the amount we want to be as each order size). To prevent the bot from opening orders randomly or higher than the previous open orders, enable and enter -1% (or any other value) in a Price deviation from the same order in past option in the Options section. Save the settings by clicking on Done.

6. Copy JSON message and create an alert with it

Go to the signal provider's website and create an alert. Enter the previously copied webhook in the Notifications tab and the JSON message in the Settings tab of the alert window. While creating an alert, choose the Stochastic RSI indicator and adjust the settings for it as it was described earlier so the bot will start a trade or execute the safety order when the K line Crosses up the D line.

7. Enable "Exit long" option

Now you need to set the bot to sell when the price rises.

8. Adjust the Exit long order settings

In the Volume per order field, choose Position, %, and enter 100 so the bot will close the entire position. To make sure the bot will close the position with profit we enable the Price deviation from average entry price option and enter in the field 1% (value depends on you). So when the Exit signal arrives the bot will check if the price deviation condition is met. If not the position will not be closed. Save the settings by hitting the Done button.

9. Copy JSON message

The same as in Step 6 you need to create an alert with copied webhook URL and JSON message from Exit long order. Make sure to adjust the indicator settings to give you Sell signals by choosing Crossing Down:

10. Finishing the settings

Take profit and Stop loss settings can be ignored as the needed settings are already adjusted. If you want to Take profit without signal as described above, you can disable Exit long and adjust the Take profit long option here.

Now when all settings are set you can start your bot. Whenever a signal arrives, the bot will open a position and wait for other signals - buy more with Safety orders or close the entire position. If there is no open position and the Exit signal is received, the bot will ignore it and wait for the Entry signal first.

Please note!

  • This method opens one position, that will be increased with Buy signals and closed entirely with Sell signal.

  • If the price continues declining and the bot executes the initial 9 orders you might want to let the bot open more orders. In this case, you need to increase the Max. initial margin to the amount that complies with your risk management. This will let your bot execute more Safety orders.

  • This method is a long-term intention when you open the bot, and it will work by itself, constantly buying lower and lower and selling at lower prices - the selling price will become lower because of the additional Safety orders.

  • In this method you can use any indicator you favor and any conditions you think suit better to your strategy.

  • Check and review the major price trend first as the Scalping method works better in the same direction as the trend.

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