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3Commas Social Media Etiquette
Updated over a week ago

Be respectful.

Treat all members of the chat with respect and courtesy. Avoid personal attacks, offensive language, or any form of discrimination.

Stay on topic.

Keep the discussion focused on topics related to 3Commas, cryptocurrency trading, and relevant market trends. Off-topic discussions should be taken to appropriate channels.

No spamming or self-promotion.

Avoid excessive self-promotion, advertising, or spamming of referral links, ICOs, airdrops, or other unrelated content. Genuine recommendations and discussions related to 3Commas are welcome.

No financial advice.

Understand that the chat does not provide financial advice or investment recommendations. Any trading decisions you make are your own responsibility. Consult with a professional financial advisor if needed.

Use appropriate language.

Refrain from using profanity, offensive language, or inappropriate content. Keep the chat suitable for all participants, regardless of age or background.

No scams or phishing.

Do not share or promote any suspicious links, scams, phishing attempts, or fraudulent activities. Report such activities to the administrators immediately.

Be helpful and constructive.

Foster a positive environment by offering assistance, sharing knowledge, and engaging in constructive discussions. Help fellow members with their questions and concerns to the best of your abilities.

No price speculation or pumping.

Avoid engaging in discussions solely focused on price speculation, pumping, or shilling of specific cryptocurrencies or tokens. Maintain a balanced conversation considering various trading strategies' risks and benefits.

Respect privacy.

Do not share the personal information of other members without their consent. Respect the privacy of all participants and refrain from sharing sensitive or confidential data.

Follow the instructions of moderators.

Cooperate with the chat moderators and follow their instructions. They are there to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Disobeying moderators or repeatedly violating the chat rules may result in consequences, including warnings or removal from the chat!

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