If you want to trade with an exchange that is not listed on 3Commas, here is what you can do.
1. Go to My Portfolio page
2. Click on Connect a new account or Connect account
3. Choose Exchanges
4. Click on the link Suggest an exchange you’d like to use
You will be prompted to fill out the Feedback form.
That's it! The request will be sent to the appropriate department and the topic will be discussed.
In an ongoing effort to meet the needs of our 3Commas family, we are focusing more on adding our most frequently requested exchanges, like Gemini were recently added.
Furthermore, our developers continue working on delivering all our features to all currently supported exchanges.
Staying focused on this, we regret to inform you that the following exchanges were removed from the 3Commas software:
Binance DEX
Coinbase PRO (moved to Coinbase Advanced)
* Crypto.com exchange is temporarily disabled due to their significant updates to their API. These changes will require our team to create a new integration and test it thoroughly before it can be released. We do not currently have an estimated time for the re-activation of our trading tools for Crypto.com.